Sunday, 18 October 2015

research into similar products- mastheads

i have researched into the mastheads because  believe that a good mast head can invite a costumer/ reader and interest them. a good masthead can make a reader feel welcomed ad therefore i have looked into different types of mastheads because i will create a inviting masthead but i am looking further into mastheads as it is vitally important that the mast head is correct.

these mastheads are unique in their own way and I will be looking further into this as I will need to decide what type of text I will use for my masthead. Billboard magazine is a pop music magazines. The masthead uses bright colours, which implies within the magazine with positivity and interest, therefore making the magazines is important as i need to create a masthead which is inviting and colourful.

Spin, Rolling Stone, and also mojo magazines cover a variety of music genres in their magazines, therefore all the text used to imply that they are open to all genres and have key information inside. The text is bold because it stands out and allows us be drawn towards it. such colours can identify different things such as red implies danger and red hot gossip or information.

Kerrang masthead appears broken suggests to us recklessness and danger, therefore showing the hardcore metal music which can be played. The use of the exclamation mark at the end 

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