during a period of two weeks myself and other classmates waited for feedback from our teacher on how to improve our music magazines. The feedback i received was criticisms such as: making sure my contents page is better presented and making sure it looks professional. from this comment i used shapes to enclose the contents with white boxes to make the contents page look more efficient and professional. i received other feedback from my teacher such as adding more cover lines, before hand i only had 3 cover lines which made the magazine look empty and not full of gossip therefore i included more secondary artists into the cover lines which enabled the front cover of "cosmic" to look full and eye appealing.
from my meeting with my teacher i received feed back to ensure that my media project was up to a high standard but needed improvements to ensure it looks like a real genre of pop. from within my music magazine i also needed t improve on silly errors such as grammar and spelling mistakes, therefore after my meeting i went back to my course work and added in and corrected my grammar and spelling throughout the magazine on both pages of the contents ad double page spread. this has enabled the magazine on a whole to be more professional because a published music magazine wouldn't have spelling errors and bad grammar therefore it was key to ensure that they were both correct.
another improvement of which i also thought needed improving as well as my teacher from his feedback was the front page as i thought from peer and self assessments that the front cover was too bland and didn't look full therefore not only did i add more cover lines i moved around the main cover line and the sky line which enabled the magazine to look not so bland and messy. the positioning of the text now has improved and therefore the structure of the front cover is more professional and realistic to a pop magazine.
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